design solutions
that improve
walkability at
the block level.

Visit a street
What makes a street walkable?
This checklist measures what matters to walkability at the smallest scale. It can tell you whether walking in a street is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable. This tool can measure any kind of public passageway or route, from an arterial boulevard to a narrow pedestrian alleyway.
For families in cities, the streets of the neighborhood are an extension of their home. If those streets are walkable, they are places where babies and toddlers can grow healthily. Streets that are safe for babies and toddlers will help people of all ages attend to their daily needs. But if streets are unsafe to walk in, they become barriers. Walkable streets are the foundation for all the benefits that walkability brings.
The 41 checkbox items are divided into nine sections. Each section comes with a list of practical recommendations for policy and design. Once you complete all the checkboxes, you’ll see a final score for your street. These questions can’t tell you whether daily services lie within a walkable distance of residents—to answer that question, go to View City Measurements.